Mar 30, 2014

Stretching the minuscule into the huge

I remember how as a child every surface could become huge, a whole world for tiny creatures to live in. I myself would transform into a tiny being and forget there was a world outside of me as well. An ancient rule of children came to life - no one could see me when I was tiny, because I couldn’t see them. Flower pots, teacups, rocks i’ve gathered and laid on the windowsill became gigantic landscapes. Grass. Have you ever pushed your face to where the flora touches the earth and looked into the vast forests and jungles of flower stems and moss?

I remember the wars that took place in those forests, and the happy communal life of my tiny wolves and tigers and bears. The kings and the outcasts. The lovers, the assassins. And the landscape!

This project is centered around the process of play and the mindset that comes with it. As I approached and reconnected to my child-self, I attempted to capture in the image the feeling of becoming tiny. In a way the photos are only an outcome, a byproduct. The process itself was immensely important as I was slingshot into a wonderland of little structures and landscapes. I constantnly had pockets full of plastic creatures and developed a habit of constantly crouching or lying down somewhere, doing the same thing I did fifteen years ago. On the photos I disconnected the plastic from reality, trying to find isolated surroundings where one could really see it coming to life. For a while I could even recreate the mindset of children where everything else disappears and only the tiny me remains, living and breathing in the tiny landscapes of rock, sand and grass.

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