May 24, 2011

winter, erase

May 23, 2011

semikujuteldavad sõbrad ja kriipivsinised silmad ja


(ei näkanud)

May 18, 2011

burning bridges as you cross lines uncrossed
burning brides along with bridges

May 17, 2011

pidu, kus aukylalisteks kurb jõuluvana ja purjus kloun

May 6, 2011

bros before romeos

May 4, 2011

see on nüüd ametlik. olen ämblike rünnaku all, 1 just hüppas mulle seina pealt otse näkku. ta oli küll tilluke ja kartis mind rohkem kui ma teda, kui see üldse võimalik on, aga goddamnit ma tean ta kavatsusi väga hästi.

õnneks david wong jagab mu seisukohti ämblike suhtes

"There exists in this world a spider the size of a dinner plate, a foot wide if you include the legs. It's called the Goliath Bird-Eating spider, or the "Goliath Fucking Bird-Eating Spider" by those who have actually seen one.

It doesn't eat only birds - it mostly eats rats and insects - but they still call it the "Bird-Eating Spider" because the fact that it can eat a bird is probably the most important thing to know about it. If you run across one of these things, like in your closet or crawling out of your bowl of soup, the first thing somebody will say is, "Watch it, man, that thing can eat a fucking bird."

I don't know how they catch the birds. I know the Goliath Fucking Bird-Eating Spider can't fly because if it could, it would have a different name entirely. We would call it "Sir" because it would be the dominant species on the planet. None of us would leave the house unless a Goliath Fucking Flying Bird-Eating Spider said it was okay."

May 3, 2011

edgarvaltri saladus paljastatud (purk 1L)

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