Dec 24, 2011

müsteerium jõuluõhtul. varbajäljed ja nokaaugud tordis. kes on süüdi?

Dec 21, 2011

half. loved.
unseen unbothered
breathing out dust.
and you.

Dec 12, 2011

selline tunne

Dec 2, 2011

koša peeglitagustes

Nov 30, 2011


Folklore tells of shamans who could take the shape of the wind or a tornado to do good and bad. When the shaman was away the body lay inanimate and was not to be moved. The spirit crawled out from the mouth as a fly and turned into the wind. If the position of the body was changed during the windwalker's travels, the spirit could not find the body anymore.
This is a series of self-portraits.

Nov 23, 2011

wolf wolf inside be silent and sleep

skin shifter

hunting, haunting

Nov 17, 2011

two-headed boy

Nov 15, 2011

krüptilise öökulli portree

PAREDOLIA. definition.
paredolia is a psychological phenomenon involving perception of a vague and random pattern as significant or meaningful. It's the illusion that lets us transfer human qualities to rationally arbitrary objects, patterns and shapes. It's the beautiful delusion that lets us stare at clouds for hours, to find figures on muddy floors and perceive faces on stained walls. Paredolia is a predisposition to see faces whether they are there or not.

"The portrait of a cryptic owl" is a pattern formed by two separate objects. One is the northern wall of a brick house - it's round barred windows create the owl's eyes. The second, a model's silhouette, forms the suggestion of a beak. The result is the wide stare of a nocturnal bird we're all familiar of - the owl.

I'm convinced that without the phenomenon of paredolia our society would be a lot different. Art from a purely physical viewpoint is, in its essence, a carefully assembled collage of random matter. It's the human mind's ability to narrate that gives art its meaning and its power.

"The portrait of a cryptic owl" encourages the viewer to take notice and to embrace the suggestive patterns, fictional creatures and metaphysical faces that they would otherwise bypass and discard as irrelevant.

automaadi kumas

Nov 8, 2011

Nov 1, 2011

"Heaven and earth are ruthless,
Better to hold fast to the void. "

-tao te ching

Oct 26, 2011

Oct 24, 2011

tahan hingata

Oct 10, 2011

see on pelmeenirebane - me viskasime talle rõdult veebruariöösse pelmusid. ta pistis kõik paadunud näljaroti aplusega nahka ja hängis drivewayl veel tükk aega lootusrikka näoga, vurrud võbisemas, meie vaatasime talle otsa, tema vaatas meile otsa oma hiilgavate silmadega. pelmeenidel sõlmitud sõprus on väga õrn ja esimene mööduv auto purustas kontakti kiiresti

Oct 7, 2011


awaken the guardians

welcome to the game headless abomination

mustvalged anomaaliad kodukandis

ehk siis august xaljavas

Oct 6, 2011


if i was an alien about to boost a primitive race to ultimate consciousness by altering their genes i'd carve "миша wuz here" EVERYWHERE inbetween the useful bits. just to mess with them.
i've been watching the documentary about ancient alien theory. pretty interesting, although i was already familiar with most of the key thesis, which most probably makes me a huge nerd. or something.

Oct 3, 2011

draamasari päeva 25

minu nädalase bronhiidieksiili ajal on nii mõndagi toimunud - nimelt sellel ajal, kui mina diivanil lebosklesin, lollakaid turn-based mänge mängisin ja hea kirjanduse virnadesse peakaid sooritasin, juhtus Vannitoa ümber ja sees rida hirmsaid sündmusi. mu daamid ja härrad, siin on episoodi resoluutne lõpp.

hiljem selgus, et mu romanss Vannitoaga kestab veel edasi. olge lahked, püha aura ja holy grail koos mentaalse saksofonisoologa:

Sep 15, 2011

Sep 13, 2011

mirjam from the deep

Sep 12, 2011

kuulge ma praegu avastasin et mu ploog on nii mittemidagiütlev. mis te arvate sellest. midagiöelge midagi.

otsisin maski ette pannes kontakti maskitagusega, aga ei leidnud, vist. aga hea on olla nüüd vähemalt. värvid on palju kirkamad kui enne ja inimesed on rohkem nagu päris. heck, kõik on rohkem nagu päris. nii tajutav ja nii kohal, et hirmus hakkab veits.
järgmise asjana otsin kontakti küsimusega "mis toimub minuga". iseasi, kas vastust on mõtet üldsegi selgelt sõnastada või vaimusilmas näha. ma arvan, et see lõhuks kõik ära.

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